Making a child is selfish

This post will by highly personal. I know that this might sound depressed or harsh, but this is one way to see it.

So, making a child is selfish. Why? First of all, who the fuck do you think you are that you can make a soul prisoner in a flesh prison? Why do you think you have the right to make a child?

When you make a child, you want someone who can take your name further, thus making you immortal. You want all the things you built in life taken over by your child. That is selfish. You own nothing in life, you just have the imagination of possession. You have no right to make someone, raise him or her and put all of that miserable bullshit in your head into his or her head.

You have simply no right! And it is fucked up, because children do not want to be born! You just selfishly decide to make one or more. Why? You have no right to make a baby especially if you cannot raise it in a fashion where you do not put anything in its head, just let it learn everything from itself.

I know you cannot do that, because you are racist and you want your child to learn this or that language, this or that religion and many more BULLSHIT that you could not achieve in your miserable life.

Man are a disease on earth and we are not the salvation of Earth, but the doom of it. We should all die out to save the planet.

We are all afraid of death, but life is a prison inside a freaking meatball. Nobody should force us into this prison. This is a self-regulating prison, because you cannot live against society. Your parents make you, and then you can go and fuck yourself as you want, but of course between the limits of rules put down by other people.

Also suicide is considered a crime. FUCK YOU. Everybody owns his own life, so if I want to kill myself, it is my right to do so! Corporations are afraid that their workers will kill themselves and then they will have to work, so they make up this bullshit rule that suicide is a crime and is unethical. BULLSHIT. I have the right to kill myself, no matter what the reason is.

Life would be much easier if anyone, who had hard time playing the game of life could simply quit and go play something else. Nobody could make you afraid of death, so you would be immune to threats. Life is getting too hard? You quit by yourself. There would be no crime, because dumb-ass people would simply fall out.

Life would be much easier.